Saturday 19th May
9.40am-3pm $15 per person
St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall
BYO lunch and something to share for morning tea.
Equip Women is an annual Conference for Christian Women. With uplifting music and inspiring interviews, EQUIP is for everyone – whether you’ve been a Christian for ages, or just checking it out.
This year at EQUIP we’ll be taking a look at some memorable meals from the Bible. The day will be broken into 2 Sessions, the first exploring the most important meal in the Old Testament, the Passover and why this meal still matters today.
In the second session after lunch we will look at the ‘memorable for all the wrong reasons’ meals being served up by the Corinthian church(1 Cor 11:17-34).
On the day we will have a bookshop full of relevant books that have been reviewed and recommended by the Equip speakers and organising team.